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My Happy Places
My Happy Places
  • welcome. ici est un apercu de ma vie de tous les jours. assez ordinaire. qu'importe j'aime l'ordinaire et la beaute qui s'y cache. vous y trouverez ce qui m'inspire, ce qui se mijote au four, ce qui fait/ceux qui font mon bonheur. enjoy.
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My Happy Places
19 janvier 2014

Bliss is family



I am not one who writes down new years' resolutions. Knowing that it won't last anyway, i guess i don't even bother. Or perhaps because i consider the 1st of January as any other day of the year- no big deal. I actually don't like new years' eves & the first days of January are a time i'd fast-forward if i could. I get filled with nostalgia, and feel a bit unequiped to face another whole year. It's been that way since my teenage years... Until 2014 to my big surprise.




After a really hectic end of year, with days so filled & fast paced that made my head dizzy, my mind spinning & blank, my breath short, & my nights sleepless-I guess i've allowed myself to listen to my 'self'. I felt the need to honor the current me. The one who feels homey. Who needs to protect her time. To nurture her health. Her relationships. Her family. Who needs to slow down, to reconnect with her body, emotions, with nature & the beauty around. And so I did. The first days of the year were spent with no agenda, sleeping in, napping, cooking & baking (just because), taking walks with my wee family, reading, playing, enjoying a cyclone...


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And taking the time to think or simply feel, actually brought up a few resolutions -or i'd rather say inspiration for this new year.
One of them is the reason that brings me here. I have the project to be more present here & to try to be more connected with you- whether it be with news, words, moods, recipes or pictures- I'll try to come share once a week…
Which i've obviously already failed -week 3/52- I missed the 2 first weeks of January...



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But here that brings me to my other big resolution/challenge: To stop being so hard on myself. To let go of this perfectionism that has so much grip on me. To let go of that incessant planning, of those enless to-do lists. To embrace my insecurities. To allow myself to be imperfect, to fail, to hurt. To love myself. 
So here I am today and hopefully that's where you'll find me in 2014… A homebody enjoying sweet family time at home, spending my saturday nights cooking or rearranging my decorative accessories - oh well maybe indulging in a good meal & sipping wine with friends sometimes too- 
Slowing down. Seeking peace & calm & presence. Regular unplugging. 









And yeah, now i'm wondering if i should really commit to coming back here every week… What if i don't have anything to say. What if i can't make it. Well life happens. Maybe somedays i'll be too caught up in the business of living. Somedays I'll have stories or opinions. Somedays I'll feel prosaic. Somedays i'll only have mundane things to write about. Somedays only pictures to share. Somedays I'll be sharing joy. Some others messes or tears.

But grateful for all of it. Enjoying all of it.


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Wow!!! That's great!!! Quel plaisir de te lire!!! :)<br /> <br /> Tamame
You have a good photographer I believe....!!!!
Can't wait :-))))<br /> <br /> Thanks for sharing with me! Love it!