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My Happy Places
My Happy Places
  • welcome. ici est un apercu de ma vie de tous les jours. assez ordinaire. qu'importe j'aime l'ordinaire et la beaute qui s'y cache. vous y trouverez ce qui m'inspire, ce qui se mijote au four, ce qui fait/ceux qui font mon bonheur. enjoy.
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My Happy Places
28 juin 2009

My first cake' order, Happy Birthdays & trivial stuff...

My first cake' order, Happy Birthdays & trivial stuff...
No excuses. I have been pretty busy. And lazy too. A lot have happened in the last weeks. Events on which B. was working. That left me without a hubby for several days. Even on my birthday. {Darling thanks again for managing to spend the morning with...
7 juin 2009

Comfi food for a lazy winter day

Comfi food for a lazy winter day
To end the week-end with a warm comfort dish, here's an efficient recipe for lazy busy winter days. A combination of simple & subtle savours. A surprisingly successful marriage. Just cook a pack of gnocchis di patate & throw in some boiled patty pan with...
5 juin 2009

For Mother's day

For Mother's day
I just watched this movie Un Conte de Noel . I still have to let it sink in. A true French movie as I like them. Slow & brutal images of life. Exuberant characters & all a lil deranged. Still something so precious that is not put into words, but that...
4 juin 2009

A call for winter

A call for winter
Credentials: lovely hubby To warm us up a lil while the cold is coming in to make winter hurry up, a velouté de cresson & pomme de terre served with some savoury tartines au chèvre . Quickly made and always a success for a light dinner. Ingredients (3...
2 juin 2009

Mousse au chocolat blanc & au citron au coeur de chocolat noir sur crumble de gingernut

Mousse au chocolat blanc & au citron au coeur de chocolat noir sur crumble de gingernut
Mousse au chocolat blanc & au citron au coeur de chocolat noir sur crumble de gingernut Wow ça fait long a dire... "Ce soir je vous ai concocter une mousse au chocolat blanc & au citron au coeur de chocolat noir sur crumble de gingernut "! A lil dessert...
1 juin 2009

Simply week-end

Simply week-end
Well another week-end went by & here I am, faithful to my Monday'post. For once it was a sociable week-end as we've been out on both nights to some nice dinner-party & evening, with some fun & interesting people. So we allowed ourselves to spend the days...