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My Happy Places
My Happy Places
  • welcome. ici est un apercu de ma vie de tous les jours. assez ordinaire. qu'importe j'aime l'ordinaire et la beaute qui s'y cache. vous y trouverez ce qui m'inspire, ce qui se mijote au four, ce qui fait/ceux qui font mon bonheur. enjoy.
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My Happy Places
28 juin 2015

Thoughts on a birthday celebration and a camping

Thoughts on a birthday celebration and a camping
(Written for my birthday- after a year of unintentional break from this space, as I was busy living a slower life & enjoying the coziness of my home & family, and sharing my day to day pictures/thoughts/mood with easier & quicker networks - such as Facebook...
19 mars 2009

Boulangere en herbe

Boulangere en herbe
The rain's pouring since 3 days & makes this afternoon seem like already dark. Alone in the house, a cupa calling me... & my macbook too, i'm now sitting at the kitchen counter ready to share a few photos & inspiration. Fondant choco-poire Actually before...
12 mars 2009

Petit week-end cocooning...

Petit week-end cocooning...
Time went by so quick. Days have been flying. I've been meaning to write about my week-end since...well the week-end. So tonight with a sky filled with lightning and beautiful colors... With kitten Ticoulou purring on my laps... With my lists scribbled...
12 mai 2009

Week-end report

Week-end report
To start with I've got a great news... Ticoulou's back!! Helas since Sunday morning {when we left for a day on a boat with a few friends} no news of him. So today was the 3rd day without our lil kitty & I thought there was now not much hope left to see...
3 février 2014

La place des choses

La place des choses
Long week-end de déconnexion a Pointe d'Esny. Un portable qui ne capte pas. Un mac a peine ouvert. De bons repas mijotés par belle-maman. De la pluie pour rafraichir. Du soleil pour dorer ma peau. L'ombre des filaos pour abriter ma lecture. Lagon turquoise...
27 janvier 2009


Pas beaucoup de mots pour ce soirquelques photos qui diront quelques histoiresen traînant encore une pharyngite en plein été... Ptite soirée pour un groupe de 250... devant la belle demeure d'Eurêka... L'évènement de la semaine dernière {Moka, Ile Maurice}...
3 mars 2009

Holidays' program

Holidays' program
The program was written on a lil blackboard in the kitchen: - play with Ticoulou {our new kitten} - climb the hill {we see from our window) - do some baking/cooking - do some gardening ... & everything was done with my bro D. & sis T. who were here for...
25 mars 2009

Another week-end to remember

Another week-end to remember
Picnic a la Prairie I have to say, last week-end was pretty busy... pleins de trucs qui s'enchainent... but enjoyable things altogether.Meeting new people, having a picnic made of aubergine, roquefort & pecan nuts'tartlets at the beach, enjoying the warm...
27 avril 2009

Au potager

Au potager
M'assoir sur un banc 5 minutes avec toi & regarder ces arbres respirer en face de mon potager de ces plants dont je prends soin tot le matin & chaque apres-midi regarder cette lune montante ce fin & si delicat croissant ce ciel qui m'abrite & abriter...
5 avril 2009

Olive and tomato tear and share bread

Olive and tomato tear and share bread
... & une petite pour le week-end... euh en fait 2 petites! A week-end made of cooking, tasting, relaxing, watching TV... & looking after my convalescent man. This bread recipe is taken from a book but I changed some bits; Tear a wedge and fill it with...
27 décembre 2008

Conte de Noel

Conte de Noel
Oui une fois de plus je laisse passer les jours, les semaines... et plus le temps passe, plus il y a raconter & plus la tache est colossale! Ces derniers jours se sont passés a construire mon conte de Noël personnel... et puis depuis hier a rattraper...
5 mai 2009

A few days in Pointe d'Esny

A few days in Pointe d'Esny
Plage de Pointe d"Esny Mieux vaut tard que jamais! We're back since Sunday afternoon, with a nice tan, 2 more kilos after indulging ourselves with the most exquisite food { boeuf charolais, langoutes fraiches grillees, filet de capitaine frais, proscuitto...
7 octobre 2009

Sunday Pavlova

Sunday Pavlova
Two weeks ago {or already more?}we had a really nice Sunday'lunch @ our place with my inlaws. Au menu: a kind of yummy choucroute made by my mom in law, followed by a pavlova aux fruits des bois made by myself. This dessert is so quick & easy to make......
23 mai 2009

Cannellonis aux farines, a l'aubergine & a la pestonade

Cannellonis aux farines, a l'aubergine & a la pestonade
It's starting to become an habit. Every saturday I get out of bed around six. I just can't get more sleep. It's like the day is calling me. The kitchen too. Or the blog. So here I am. With my cannelloni recipe from last Saturday. Une petite création matinale...
17 février 2010

Valentine's week-end

Valentine's week-end
Pour une fois depuis bien des weeky j'ai des choses à raconter.Après une série de week-ends bien glandouilles {ndlr cuisine, bouffe, canapé, dvd, le tout en boucle}! Réveils TRES matinaux. Gaufres aux ptit-dèj. Balade avec Fly pour rejoindre mam & Tal...
21 avril 2009

Petit sejour a Trou d'Eau Douce

Petit sejour a Trou d'Eau Douce
Kitesurf a TDD B. is away visiting a friend tonight & I am on my own... but I must admit actually that I quite enjoy being by myself sometimes. B. insisted that I invite a friend, but I didn't feel like it. I rather felt like having a relaxed evening,...
19 février 2010

Banana & bread pudding

Banana & bread pudding
Après-midi chaude. Vendredi. On prépare le week-end. Une maison propre. Des idées de menu. De dîners entre amis. Une soirée ce soir. Sous le dôme au Lite Bar. Une envie de faire du sport- peut-être du tennis? Une grosse envie de pâtisserie aussi. Donc...
5 mai 2009

Happy birthday mom!

Happy birthday mom!
As I was saying earlier, yesterday was my mom's birthday & we were glad to host her dinner'party at our place. Even grand-pere & grand-mere made it. G-m brought a vanilla & honey roasted duck, which we served with a gratin dauphinois au lait de coco &...
28 juin 2009

My first cake' order, Happy Birthdays & trivial stuff...

My first cake' order, Happy Birthdays & trivial stuff...
No excuses. I have been pretty busy. And lazy too. A lot have happened in the last weeks. Events on which B. was working. That left me without a hubby for several days. Even on my birthday. {Darling thanks again for managing to spend the morning with...
1 avril 2009

Trou d'Eau Douce

Trou d'Eau Douce
Tremper le pied dans l'eau chaleureuse du matin naissantse sentir happée par cette masse moléculaireaccueillant mon corpsl'enveloppant tel un foetusse laisser porterballottersentir son corps s'éveillers'appartenirse laisser complètement immerger par plus...
26 janvier 2014

This week

This week
Not much perspective over the past week… So here I am, en vrac: Real: Aching bones & muscles, shivering body, general weakness & nauseous, since wednesday… to end up with a stomach bug & feet that hurt so much when I put them down on the floor... Still...
11 avril 2009

full on week

full on week
"Not all who wander are aimless. Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition. Beyond definition." Indeed it's been a specially tough week- it's been like a wave of bad things & disasters falling over the world, from faraway places (Italy) to...
18 février 2014

Week #7, Valentine's etc

Week #7, Valentine's etc
I often find myself repeating the same words to start my posts " time flies, days go by so quickly…" I've been meaning to come here since last week. But life comes first. So this has been my life lately: A beautiful, slow paced week-end, that included...
6 septembre 2009

Vives les vacances!

Vives les vacances!
I have been longing for this for so long.A break. Pause. Holidays. Disconnect. Reconnect. I feel so full of so much things now. Some trash I have to get rid of. Some stress to release. And some stuff like excitement, joy, hope, peace... some great expectations...
16 mars 2009

recette promise de tarte sablee choco-banane

recette promise de tarte sablee choco-banane
tarte sablée choco-banane All right, I have to come here today to share my new recipe tested 2 Sundays ago. There are some simple things in life that suffice to make us happy. Chocolate-banana'tart baked on a nice Sunday'afternoon and enjoyed on the sunny...
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